ALTIN Connect

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The connect program is for organisations who seeks a direct consultation and / advise from our team. The Connect Program is a dedicated and personalised program that provides trusted advice to help you start, run, adapt or grow your business.

ALTIN advisors offer advice tailored to your needs to help you achieve your business goals and tackle immediate and long-term challenges. Advisors are accredited professionals with first-hand experience running their own business, their advice is independent and completely confidential.

The work under the connect program happens in two steps,

Step 1: screening

Using the techniques for Evaluation and assessment of the situation pointed by the business.

  • * Creating reports describe all aspects of the problem.
  • * Create reports screening the environment.
  • * Create risk assessment reports.

Step 2:

ALTIN consultation team will form a final report including the suggested solution.

  • * Proposed solution report.
  • * Change plan
  • * Risk plan

Connect Program is a dedicated and personalised program that provides trusted advice to help you start, run, adapt or grow your business.

ALTIN advisors offer advice tailored to your needs to help you achieve your business goals and tackle immediate and long-term challenges. Advisors are accredited professionals with first-hand experience running their own small business. Their advice is independent and completely confidential.

You can book webinars and events to help your business achieve its potential and access online resources, including on demand webinars, fact sheets and training videos, practical forms, templates and paper works.

Connect membership:

Joining the connect program is by three different membership,

  • Free when you are individual, micro business or a small business does not have more than three employees including sub-contractors and including yourself.

And / or you are a small enterprise in any form with a turnover is equal to 10,000,000 dollars or less.

  • Annual Membership which is a contract of set of services, payments are either monthly or annually paid for the period of the contract, no extra fees.
  • On demand membership is when the business get any of the services for certain fees, then no further payments until the business require another service.

The table for the payments is attached on the booklet of the connect program.

If you are a small business or sole trader, the first option is the most suitable for you, if you are a requiring a hell load of ongoing work and change to be happen, or you are planning to outsource certain services the best option is the second one. The third option is suitable for the organisation which have a one off situation or may be two and seeking a new set of eyes assist in the team work of helping.

Connect - Free

Benefit from our free services, conditions apply!

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Annual Connect

Benefit from the full service for a year long.

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One Off Connect

One off contract in any of ALTIN offered services

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