Junior leaders Programs

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The school had designed 2 programs based on age groups considering the needs difference in each age group although the intersection between the two ages groups can create a third program but the choice was only two for the benefit of the child.

The fundamental education of leadership can start as early as learning talking, based on the linguistic component as a part of the communication style in the leadership instrument, language and language learning is component of changing understanding and influencing audience, language register can be taught and highlighted in kids since they start learning talking.

Although the school does not accommodate that age in the available programs, yet this knowledge direction courses are available for guardians and care givers

Preparing kids with emotional intelligence tools and techniques using suitable situations and resources for each age group, in tensing and increasing the meaning as the age grows.

Joining these programs is either individually or through an organisation.

Organisations such as schools, colleges and churches.

Individual may apply for position in our school, conditions apply!